online businesses

Now that you have access to the Internet anywhere at any time, it is increasingly difficult for any business to ignore this tool. And yet ... According to a study published by OTO Research earlier this year, 87% of  people seeking information about a product or service on the Internet before proceeding to purchase. Consumers have become addicted to online information, they visited an average of 7.5 sites before deciding on a purchase, and that includes even the food! In parallel we observe that only 6% of respondents prefer to promote the notice of a loved one, against 87% who put their trust in the Web first. If you look at the most popular products on the Internet, we find that 55% of consumers looking for information about fashion and clothing , 45% on health & beauty and 23% on food. Regarding the food, this figure is somewhat surprising because it is usually the products that best represents the impulse. The vast majority of them (77%) also connect to regular shopping sites line, brand sites, specialized information ... And before proceeding to purchase, almost half of them have become accustomed to visit forums or blogs specialized for additional information and opinions of users. In addition, over half of respondents say they do not hesitate to post comments on the purchases they have made, feeding sites for their opinion as a user or customer.

Companies brands and are therefore forced to adapt to this phenomenon. Internet users and customers took new drinking patterns and their purchases are undoubtedly a lot more thoughtful. So why just over a third of small  companies are present online? You should know that early this year, 62% of entrepreneurs were not present on the Internet. This concerns mainly the very small companies, but this divide is clearly more pronounced . Almost half of  people looking for information on professionals or businesses and neighborhood services online and use the Internet much more than paper directories or directory inquiries. 2.7 million TPE without any digital display or activity, c ' much. Whether through lack of time, money, or because business leaders do not know where to start to position themselves on the Web or do not feel they have the skills, this online presence they sorely needed.

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